A Quantum Business Review (QBR) evaluates whether a business is as effective as it could be. This involves data gathering and discussions with people in the business from the owners through to part-time staff about all aspects of the current business model.
Our analysis of data gathered provides you with an evaluation of how your operating model compares with the traits of high performing organisations. This helps to establish the gap between the desired state for your business and its current state.
We can then help you create a Vision & Strategy document confirming the:
- purpose and goals of the business
- a strategy for delivering business objectives
- target operating model required to run the business, including the nature of your:
- client proposition and marketing strategy
- investment proposition
- pricing strategy
- platform strategy
- organisational structure and systems
- development needs to enhance the effectiveness of your operating model
- business plan with timescales for the developments identified as priorities
Our on-going Mentoring Service ensures the plans get followed and the benefits realised.