We can tailor workshops and programmes to suit, but the current most popular workshops, along with the Business Transition Programme are these:


This is a simple Business Simulation exercise that’s power is its simplicity as it shows advisers and business owners the impact of operating in an inconsistent and ad hoc fashion. It engenders huge debate around the opportunity cost of different actions and challenges people’s mindsets. This illustrates how nearly every firm / adviser is spending 30% more time than they need to earning 30% or more less than they should be.

Developing High Quality Personal Introductions Proactively

This is a day focussed on how to develop a process and key scripts to ensure you can control the volume and quality of personal introductions to your business from existing clients and professional connections.

Life Planning Skills

With a growing reduction in the value of simply selling product advisers are having look to new ways of delivering value to maintain their prices. Some have looked at using Cash-flow planning tools to demonstrate value but often struggle to get going with it or sell its merits to clients. That is because cash-flow tools are only as good as the Proposition overall, as clients need to see a need to be motivated to go into the detail required. This looks at the skills required to be a trusted adviser relationship, open clients up to explore what is most important in their lives and define their personal goals. It focuses on how and why you should invest time to get to know clients in a much more meaningful way and how you promote the value of Life & Cash-flow planning.

How to charge & market a fee based proposition

This looks at the pros and cons of charging by way of hourly rate and Funds Under Management and fixed pricing. It considers an alternative way to set prices based on a variety of factors which ensures fairness to clients, profitability and payment for value for the adviser. It also deals with the Regulatory challenges to proving consistency, demonstrating impartiality and no cross subsidy in a fee charging approach.

It also covers how to articulate your proposition and have clients agree the benefits of a fee based approach at a profitable level.

Personal Effectiveness course

This looks at the key skills and tools required to help individuals improve their personal organisation and time management as well as where they deploy their released capacity more effectively.